Thursday, January 12, 2012

movie commentary: Dispatch

Director: Steven Sprung; Writers: Michael Bershad, Steven Sprung.  With Michael Bershad.  2011.

I haven’t commented on a movie I didn’t like in a while.  I often think, what's the point of doing that?  However, just to tip the scales, here’s one I thought rather tedious:  Dispatch.  I’d rather watch something totally unbelievable made into a believable movie, like the make-your-heart-race movies about great stars like Seabiscuit or Secretariat, than watch a movie about something totally believable made into an unbelievable movie, like Dispatch.  Good name for a horse, actually.  However, this story revolves around the kind of terrible mistep people sometimes make when driven by despair, embezzlement. 
This movie would be better off on a theatrical stage.  It does not use the potential of film but is perfectly suited for stage since the whole thing takes place in a car service dispatch office. The casting is troubling, the acting erratic, and the dramatic tension is about as tight as an old rubber band. The main character lacks charisma, a part of the movie’s premise.  He's smart enough to coordinate rides for moneyed celebrities but not smart enough to understand he’s being taken for a ride, himself.  Although the movie has redeeming moments, I think this production belongs to the theatrical stage.