Friday, January 14, 2011

Getta Message Thru to Santa, Pleeze....

This 4 year old had a message for Santa. (At least the police showed up.)

View the TV news report out of Okalossa County .

I guess when you live in a place called Niceville, you really better watch out....

One news commentator suggested Dad should take the phone away from the kid.  Well, that's notta good idea.  There've been kids who've actually saved the day calling 911.  It's a matter of knowing when to and when not to, right kids? 

Perhaps some older kids could implement an educational cross-generational pilot project, in which they teach little kids when to call 911. 

They could call their mock hotline KID-11, or Kids-in-Distress, Millenium-11: Knowing When to Call It.