Saturday, October 28, 2006

Spreading the Word: Healing Iraq

My email to Seyad, of Healing Iraq, after hearing 10/26 Open Source:

Now millions more people know about your blog, and millions more heard your testimony about Iraq. While I could tell you that it made me aware of the gruesome details I could only imagine before, what I want to tell you is that I hear you when you talk about it, and I have you in my thoughts, as well as your brother, your family, your countrymen. I know that doesn't do anything to help, unless it eases for a second the profound desolation. I don't go one day without thinking of Iraq anyway, and the nightmare people are living there. I understand guilt. I feel it and I didn't do anything. I feel it because there is nothing I feel I can do. You feel guilt, but you wanted something better for your country. Maybe it was possible to see from here it couldn't work--moreso than it was possible from there. It probably wasn't possible to see it then, from there. You weren't alone then. You aren't alone now. Keep on with the work. I don't know why. Just do. It is a reminder to me that I must do so also.

Zeyad answers (10/27) in an email to me:

Thank you for your heartfelt email. I truly hope that the American public will come to realise the reality of the situation and then work to change it. Please do what you can by helping to spread word among your friends and colleagues.